Domain Name Registration
If you don't yet have a domain name registered for your future website we can help you with that. We can help you
determine the best website domain to use, register it, and manage it for you to make sure you don't lose it.
(I have had two clients in the past want to manage their own domains and who lost them due to not paying attention).
I would highly recommend that we manage them for you unless you are famililar with doing it.
The cost to have us register and manage your domain name is $20.00 per year for most top level domains.
There are some which cost more, and some will cost less, but for all .com, .net, and .org, the price is $20.00 annually.
Website Hosting
Dain Designs offers hosting for your website or web application. We can provide you with shared or dedicated hosting.
We use rackspace as our primary server host, but use AWS (Amazon Web Services) for some of our clients. Both have proved to be extremely reliable.
For most small business websites, we would recommend shared hosting, as it is the most cost effective in most cases.
The basic cost for this is $20 per month if you pay month-to-month. However, if you pay in advance, we offer a discount.
1 month free for 6 months upfront, or 2 months free for 1 year in advance.
For dedicated servers or AWS, prices will vary depending on your sites needs.
You are welcome to host your website on any server you like, or move your site to another hosting provider, however, there are a few things to keep in mind.
- You will be in charge of managing your own servers.
- We do not guarantee full compatibility when moving from our servers to another company's servers.
- If anything happens to the site based on another company's server issue and you ask us to fix it, it is all billable time ($65 /hr). If we are hosting your site, then there is no cost to you.
- You cannot move your site unless all bills are current.
What about SSL Hosting?
We provide hosting for SSL sites. The fee for this is an additional $20.00 per month on top of the regular hosting cost. There is no discount available for this fee. This also does not include the cost of purchasing the SSL certificate, which either we can do for you, or you can do.
Email Accounts
Every domain comes with more than enough (hundreds) of mailboxes (email addresses) for you to use, but each is limited to storing 1GB on the server. For most people this is sufficient, but there are a few who require more space. We do have options for setting up 50GB mailboxes, however there are extra costs for this. There is a $15.00 per mailbox per month charge for this AND every mailbox on your domain has to use it. I only have a few clients that need to use this option, and like I said, most don't need it, but it is available.